Unveiling the Master Plan: The Pirate's Guide to Owning a Tesla

Embark on an exciting journey to own a Tesla Model 3 Performance through a unique strategy of smart investing and deferred gratification.

Unveiling the Master Plan: The Pirate's Guide to Owning a Tesla

Welcome aboard, fellow pirates! Today, we're navigating through an intriguing strategy. This unusual path has the potential to steer anyone willing to embark on it towards treasure troves of success.

Imagine this scenario: You're shopping for a new car, eyeing a sleek new Tesla Model 3. The options before you are tantalizing - the Base Model or the Performance Model 3. The latter, of course, teases with its advanced features and superior performance. However, it also promises to lighten your wallet by a few extra hundred bucks each month.

Weighing the features: Base Model 3 vs Model 3 Performance

How about we tell you there's a smarter way to set sail on this journey? Let's delve into this unique strategy that we, at ProsperityPirate, are currently testing.

Master Plan Part 1

We start by purchasing the Base Model 3. As tempting as the Performance variant might be, we'll stick to our strategy of deferred gratification. Pretend that we are paying for the Performance model, when in reality, we are driving the more budget-friendly Base model.

Each month, we're going to make our car payment, and then invest the money that we would have spent on the Performance model into Tesla stocks. That's right, pirates - every month, we're buying $300 worth of TSLA stocks.

Regular monthly investments can add up to a significant wealth

If we look at TSLA stock in the last 5 years from June 2018 to June 2023, the value has increased by a whopping 1300%! Now, we don't expect the same growth for the next 5 years, but even a 100-200% growth would be a significant boost.

We're essentially implementing a strategy known as Dollar Cost Averaging, which we discussed in one of our previous blog posts (The Art of Dollar Cost Averaging: How to Invest Smartly and Stress-Free).

The impressive climb of Tesla stocks over the years

By the end of 5 years, we expect to have paid off our Base Model 3, which by then would have depreciated by 50% of its original value, leaving us with a car worth $20,000. At the same time, our regular investment of $300 a month for 60 months would have grown significantly. That's $18,000, which, under the best possible scenario, could double to $36,000!

Now, here's the fun part: We sell our depreciated Tesla and the Tesla stock, take the $56,000, and buy a Tesla Model 3 Performance outright! It's a fun little gamble, but one that could pay off splendidly if Tesla continues to perform well.

From Base Model 3 to Model 3 Performance - the journey of smart investing

But why stop at Master Plan Part 1 when there's a Master Plan Part 2?

Master Plan Part 2

Now that we've got our "free" Model 3 Performance, let's kick things up a notch. This time, we're going to pretend we're making payments on our new car, except we don't have any. Instead, we'll take that $1000 and purchase three times as much Tesla stock as we could in Master Plan Part 1. Are you excited yet?

Imagine the potential growth over the next 5 years - maybe Tesla takes over the world, and our $60,000 doubles again to $120,000. Now, that's some serious booty, matey!

Investing in Tesla while enjoying the Tesla experience

Master Plan Part 3

Of course, we could keep this up, but let's take a moment to reflect on what's happening here. What we're doing is breaking the cycle of financing and moving towards investing our money into assets that grow. The growth of these assets then finances our physical purchases.

It's a grand adventure and one that's highly rewarding if you're willing to sacrifice a bit now to reap the rewards later. And the best part? You can apply this to any product from any company you believe in.

We at ProsperityPirate believe in Tesla and hope that it continues to perform well in the coming years. However, remember, it's important to conduct your research and understand that investing is a marathon, not a sprint.

Good luck with your own Master Plans, my fellow pirates!

If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to email us at [email protected]

Arr matey,

Clark Balan